Yakima Online Policies
Grading Policy
- Make adequate weekly progress (about 1/3 of a class) and/or 30 hours each week.
- Complete all course assignments in order above 60% - midterm/final exams above 70%
- Each week, come into the Yakima Online site for a weekly 15 min. meeting with Mr. Sobolik (Phone: 573-5591) or
Mr. Sanchez (Phone: 573-5583) and complete a weekly progress report that includes percent complete, course time, and grade.
School Expectations
- Follow all the rules/guildelines of the Yakima School District.
- Sign in when arriving on site and sign out when leaving the Yakima Online site. Always wear your name badge while at the Yakima Online School site.
- Do not use cells phones while in the Yakima Online classrooms.
- Follow the Yakima Online grading policy.
- Yakima Online students YV-Tech location lunch option ($1.50; $2.00; $3.00 options) 10:30-11:00 OR 11:00-11:30 OR 11:30-12:00
(Choose one) Menu varies daily
School Lunch is provided free of charge in Portable B at 11:15 AM
YOL students choose ONE half hour slot. Eat in 30 minutes or less!
YOL students may eat at YV-Tech or bring their lunch back to eat a YOL center table in Portable C. (No eating at the computer stations)
YOL portables must remain student-focused, quiet work areas at all times.
The McKinney-Vento Act
Lost your housing and currently live in a shelter, motel, motor vehicle, camp ground, temporary trailer, on the street, doubled-up with family and/or friends, or in another type of temporary housing? Your student might be able to receive assistance through a Federal Law called the McKinney-Vento Act.
For more information, please contact the school counselor (Ms. Aleida Velasquez 509-573-5590 (Yakima Online) or Mr. Luis Machado (Satellite Programs) 509-573-5595 or Mrs. Menard, Principal 509-573-5581.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Legal Definition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (RCW 28A.300.285):
"Harassment, intimidation or bullying" means any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to those shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when such an act:
- Physically or emotionally harms a student or damages the student’s property; or
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
What makes bullying different from other conflicts?
Bullying: | Other Conflicts: |
Not friends/imbalance of power | Between friends/equals/peers |
Repeated over time | Spontaneous/occasional |
Intentional | Accidental/not planned |
Physical/emotional harm | No serious, lasting harm |
Unequal emotional reaction | Equal emotional reaction |
Seeking control/possession | Not for domination/control |
No remorse – blames target | Often a sense of remorse |
No effort to solve problem | May try to solve problem |
How can you report bullying?
If you see someone bullying, recognize it and act. Tell someone you trust. You can report bullying to any school staff member or the District Compliance Officer (509-573-7005). Reports can be filed anonymously. For more information on H.I.B. and instructions on filing a report, visit the District's Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying webpage.
Acoso, Intimidación y Hostigamiento
Definición de acoso, intimidación y hostigamiento (RCW 28A.300.285):
"Acoso, intimidación y hostigamiento" significa cualquier acto intencional, electrónico, escrito, verbal o físico, incluyendo pero no limitado a aquellos que muestran estar motivados por raza, color, religión, antepasados, nacionalidad, género, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, discapacidad mental o física o características distintivas, cuando un acto tal:
- Lastima física o emocionalmente a un estudiante o daña la propiedad del estudiante; o
- Tiene el efecto de interferir sustancialmente con la educación de un estudiante; o
- Es tan severo, persistente o generalizado que crea un ambiente educacional de intimidación o de amenaza; o
- Tiene el efecto de interrumpir sustancialmente la operación ordenada de la escuela.
¿Qué hace al acoso diferente de otros conflictos?
Acoso: |
Otros conflictos: |
No se es, desbalance de poder | Entre amigos, iguales, compañeros |
Repetido con el tiempo | Espontáneos, ocasionales |
Intencional | Accidentales, no planeados |
Daño físico y emocional | No daño grave duradero |
Reacción emocional desigual | Misma reacción emocional |
Búsqueda de control, posesión | No para dominar o controlar |
No remordimiento, culpa al objetivo | Con frecuencia sentido de remordimiento |
No se hace esfuerzo para resolver un problema | Quizás se trate de resolver el problema |
¿Cómo pueden reportar el acoso?
Si ven a alguien acosando, reconózcanlo y actúen. Cuéntenle a alguien de confianza. Pueden reportar el acoso a cualquier miembro del personal escolar o al Oficial de Quejas del Distrito (509-573-7004). Los reportes se pueden hacer anónimamente. Todas las escuelas tienen formularios de reporte de incidentes. Para más información sobre A.I.H. e instrucciones sobre la presentación de un informe, visite la página web del Distrito de Acoso, Intimidación y Hostigamiento.